Bachelors of Arts Islamic Studies

minimum 3 Years full time or minimum 5 Years part time.

The ultimate purpose of the BAIS programme is to produce graduates with a core set of skills and knowledge that meet the needs of those seeking a deeper and thorough understanding of Islam. The programme acts as a platform for further postgraduate and other studies in the field and provides a thorough basis for those wishing to become religious functionaries. This course will enable the student to major in two main fields in Islamic Studies, Sharī`ah Law and Arabic.

The Programme aims at delivering:

  • Core knowledge of the major Islamic
  • Key disciplines of Islamic Law, Qur’anic exegesis and Prophetic
  • Induction into Arabic, the language of Islam’s primary sources and the principal language of its scholarship.
  • Tertiary academic conventions through specific modules of academic development, research and writing
  • A key set of academic skills and a thorough sensitivity to the South African context in which this knowledge is
  • Through Islamic History, Religious Studies and contextual nature of Islamic law, students are made fully cognizant of issues relating to diversity and context.
Year One Year Two Year Three
Major : Arabic Modules Major : Arabic Modules Major : Arabic Modules
Elementry Arabic Intermediate Arabic level one Advanced Arabic level one
Pre-intermediate Arabic Intermediate Arabic level two Advanced Arabic level one
Principles of Qur'anic Recitation Textual Readings: Qur'an Textual Readings: Islamic Law
Basic Textual Reading:
Phrophectic precepts
 Textual Reading: 
Phrophectic precepts
Textual Readings: Islamic 
Major : Islamic Studies Modules Major : Islamic Studies Modules Major : Islamic Studies Modules
Islamic Laws of Worship Muslim Personal Law 1 Classical Islamic Commercial Law
Laws of Worship: Applications  Muslim Personal Law 2 Islamic Banking & Finance
Legislative History Principles of Jurisprudence Islamic Law of Succession, Bequests
and Endowments
Phrophetic Precepts: Ulum al-Hadith Qur'anic Studies Qur'anic Studies 1
  Phrophetic Precepts: Ulum al-Hadith Qur'anic Studies 2
    Phrophetic Precepts 1
    Phrophetic Precepts 2
Humanities Modules Humanities Modules Humanities Modules
History: Source Methodology in the
Sirah and the Makkan Perion
History: Themes from classical Mulim
Contemporary Islamic Thought
History: The Madinan Period History: Islam in South Africa  
Academic Development 1 Religious Studies: Ancient, Eastern
 and African Religions

Academic Development 2 Religious Studies: Semitic Religions


The BA Program is run over two semesters. Some modules are presented in one semester, while others are are presented over two, with of them being pre-requisites of another. See the IPSA Student Handbook for further details.

Units under the Arabic Module include, Nahw (Arabic Grammar); Sarf (Science of Morphology); Muhadathah (Conversation); Qira’ah (Reading & Comprehension); Insha (Writing & Composition); Khatt & Imla (Writing & Dictation); selected Arabic Textual Reading.


The BA Program of each academic year is run over two semesters. Some modules are presented in one semester, while others are presented over two, with some of them being pre-requisites of another. See the IPSA Student Handbook for further details.

Units under the Arabic Module include, Naḥw (Arabic Grammar); Ṣarf (Science of Morphology); Muḥādathah (Conversation); Qirā’ah (Reading & Comprehension); Inshā (Writing & Composition); Khatt & Imlā’ (Writing & Dictation); selected Arabic Textual Reading. All Arabic units must be passed to fulfill the requirements of the module, in order to succeed to the next level.

Connect with us

Cnr of Johnston & Duine Road,
Rylands Estate 7764,  Cape Town,
South Africa.
PO Box 38316, Gatesville, 7766

  • +27 21 638 1121


