Assessment Methods
IPSA employs five different methods of assessments to determine the final result of a student in a given module. These methods are either employed formally or informally, via summative or formative assessments. The student will be informed by way of the respective module course outlines which assessment methods is utilized in the course. The assessment methods are as follows:
- Examinations: An official full scale 3 hour examination is written at the end of the module. This exam will take place in June and or November; depending on the duration of the module. The student must have fulfilled the specific module requirements to write the examinations. These requirements include: fulfilling the attendance requirements, completing the written class- tests, submitting all assignments and take- home tasks, completing all oral presentations and assessments as required for the module, and meeting the 50% semester average. HCIS students requiring a 65% average to qualify for the BAIS programme, and graduating BAIS students requiring a 65% average to qualify for the BAHIS programme.
- Assignments: An assignment is an official writing task that must adhere to the IPSA assignment writing rules and regulations. Assignments may be required in the first, second or both semesters.
- Tasks: A task is shorter piece of writing that adhere to the IPSA task writing rules and regulations. Details hereof will be handed to the student by the relevant lecturer.
- Class tests: Are written per term as scheduled by the ER Office. Lecturers may use their discretion to do additional assessments in class.
- Oral presentations and assessments: Are done at the discretion of the lecturer.
- Take home tasks: Is done at the discretion of the lecturer
Refer to the IPSA Student Rules and Regulation Handbook for further clarity regarding Examinations, Assignments and DP Qualifications.
Also refer to respective course outlines for the applied assessment methods of a particular module.