Academic support

At IPSA all students are afforded a fair and reasonable opportunity to successfully complete its learning programmes. In order to achieve and maintain the highest level of academic standards and to further enhance the learning experience, students are encouraged to make full use of IPSA’s excellent facilities, resources and academic support structures. IPSA also recognizes that in certain instances, some students may require additional academic assistance, over and above what is offered through the normal programme structures. To this end, IPSA offers a host of academic support mechanisms and services that are widely available and easily accessible to all students. These services include the following:

  • Tutorials: Tutors with specific subject content expertise help to reinforce and support students with work covered in lectures. Tutorials form part of the weekly timetable, however individual tutorials are also offered where necessary and organised directly with the lecturer, dependent on his/her availability.

  • PC Lab: IPSA offers a high-tech computer laboratory to enhance the learning of Islamic Studies and Arabic. Students are not only able to improve and develop their cognitive learning skills through accessing the state of the art Computer Laboratory, but can equally relax read articles of interest and completing assignments. The Computer Laboratory is specifically designed to benefit and assist the students during their study experience at IPSA. A trained librarian will gladly assist any student with any query even if it is setting up your own personal and private email.

  • Writing and Research Assistance: in  addition to  the  library services and set  course  work  on research methodology, students may require further assistance in navigating through, planning and writing up their research assignments. IPSA has a team of academic assistants to offer individual support where needed. This assistance is determined by availability of lecturers and must be arranged.

  • English Literacy Assistance: Literacy is a necessity for any form of learning, study and research,, which is why IPSA offers this support programme to students who irrespective of level of study, who obtained between 40 – 49% in English in the NSC Students who fall into the above percentile MUST attend the offered literacy classes and will not be allowed to graduate till they are certified as English literate by the literacy lecturer. Students who obtained between 50 – 59 % at NSC may attend if they wish to improve their language. However, if they will overload the class and themselves, then they cannot attend.

  • IPSA Symposia: IPSA holds a number of annual symposia, seminars and workshops throughout the academic year and also hosts a number of international scholars and field experts as special guest speakers at These forums form an essential part of IPSA’s overall learning programme and also support students’ academic experiences by expanding their knowledge repertoires.

Connect with us

Cnr of Johnston & Duine Road,
Rylands Estate 7764,  Cape Town,
South Africa.
PO Box 38316, Gatesville, 7766

  • +27 21 638 1121


