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Our Current Courses

IPSA students currently have a choice of two programmes being offered by the institution at undergrad level the 1 year Higher Certificate in Islamic Studies (HCIS) and the minimum 3 year Bachelor of Arts Islamic Studies (BAIS).
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The ultimate purpose of the BAIS programme is to produce graduates with a core set of skills and knowledge that meet the needs of those seeking a deeper and thorough understanding of Islam.
It is aimed to bring together Islamic and western, old and contemporary, traditional and critical scholarships - within a framework of shared values.
IPSA’s Masters in Islamic Thought (MAIT) is an NQF level 9 postgraduate specialisation qualification with a firm orientatation toward Contemporary Islamic Thought utilizing a Maqasid Al-Shari’ah  framework.

About IPSA

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In 2005 the International Peace College South Africa (IPSA), celebrated its inauguration at an historic occasion of a joint graduation of merging partners - the former Islamic College Southern Africa (ICOSA) and the Darul Arqam Islamic Institute.


At IPSA, our students are our pride and joy. The fruit of our labour! We strive to produce a graduate who will be a good Muslim and a good citizen, without any conflict, and regardless of whatever career & passion they pursue in life. Our aim is to produce ethical leaders who will be a light unto others and agents of faith, peace & progress in their communities & fraternities. The profiles you will read in this booklet are a testimony to that. Al-Humdulillah!


IPSA's Journal of Islamic and Arabic Studies, a peer-reviewed academic journal that aims to promote interdisciplinary and critical scholarship on Islam and Muslim societies in Africa and beyond, as well as Arabic and culture.

Satisfied Learners

Hundreds of students from around the world are loving our teaching & trusted IPSA

Connect with us

Cnr of Johnston & Duine Road,
Rylands Estate 7764,  Cape Town,
South Africa.
PO Box 38316, Gatesville, 7766

  • +27 21 638 1121


